The Santa Cruz Mycoflora Project

A Comprehensive Reference to the Macrofungi of Santa Cruz County
Amanita calyptroderma

Our Goal

How You Can Help

Use the iNaturalist and Mushroom Observer websites to keep track of the mushrooms that you find - we use the information in these databases to make the list of fungi in Santa Cruz County more complete, and to draw maps illustrating where each species live.

About Us

We are a group of mushroom enthusiasts from many backgrounds (local foragers, citizen scientists, dedicated taxonomists and professors) who share an interest in assembling a mycoflora for Santa Cruz County as a part of the larger North American Mycoflora Project. To do this, we are focusing our investigation efforts in three main areas:

We believe that a fruitful partnering between professional researchers and citizen scientists is the best way to achieve our goals, and that creative, novel and careful implementation of modern web and mobile tools will accelerate our progress.

If you have any questions, comments or want to help, please contact us.